Hearing Center

hearingctrclr_1_mediumThe Hearing Center offers all forms of hearing rehabilitation including hearing aid services, the BAHA hearing system, and cochlear implants for children and adults.

Hearing Aid Services

Our hearing aid department is staffed by certified audiologists who have obtained their masters degrees and are experts in the testing and rehabilitation of individuals with hearing loss, whether mild, moderate, or severe. Their goal is to improve your hearing and your ability to communicate with family, friends, and co-workers.

Services include:

Evaluation for hearing aids
Dispensing of a wide variety of hearing aids, featuring digital aids and the new micro-size aids
Computer-aided testing and fitting of hearing aids
Repairs of all makes and models of hearing aids
Provider for union and insurance plans
Assistive listening devices
Batteries and accessories
Noise-protection and swim plugs
Training in communication skills for the hearing impaired
Hearing conservation

Meniere’s Disease
Noise Induced Hearing Loss
Eustachian Tube Dysfunction
Otitis Media (Ear Infections)
Perforated Ear Drum
Tinnitus (Ringing in the Ears)
Chemical Middle Ear Treatments
Keratosis Oburtans
Middle Ear Treatments

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